

Birmingham is a fusion of ethnicities. People from all walks of life, people from many different cultures – people like us. Brummies. Black, brown, white, yellow…whatever, it doesn’t matter.


Most of us just want to live in peace with our neighbours, not cause trouble and not be troubled. But this diversity of race and culture may cause issues when people misunderstand each others’ way of life.


Urbrum is all about bringing people together. It’s about us gaining a better understanding of our cultural differences, allowing ourselves to see the other side of the story and to make Birmingham one community…one community where everyone belongs and no-one is ignored. One community that we, and our children, can be proud of.


Urbrum is community driven. It aims to promote a much needed dialogue on issues related to mental well-being.


We are not target driven, we are people driven and community focussed – Urbrum is not exclusive – it aims to include everyone and to appeal to everyone… because Urbrum is for everyone.


One in four people are likely to experience a mental health problem every year and there is still a great stigma attached to mental health disorders. Unfortunately, our communities do not engage with health, social care and mental health promoting opportunities…and maybe it’s not only about us not engaging…maybe its as much to do with services not knowing who they serve.


Urbrum hopes to address this problem, bridging the gap between the community and good mental health awareness. It has a multi-cultural, multi-faith focus on a range of life-style themed areas.


So, what exactly does Urbrum do?


Urbrum provides a platform for conversation, an opportunity to state our case and through connecting, for us all to improve our life chances and give back to our communities.

It provides invaluable work experience in the fields of Media, Health and Social Care, along with a pathway to further education and training…but more importantly, it provides a community voice.


Urbrum is also an accessible hub for Birmingham’s Health and Social Care services, as well as a platform from which the community can have a voice about these services and any other issues that may be affecting people’s lives. Urbrum is a bold, stand-alone brand supported by grass-roots local social enterprises – a member driven idea that encapsulates the concept of living well in its widest possible sense allowing everyone who engages the opportunity to realise their full potential.


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