URBRUM Magazine issue 2

Welcome to URBRUM issue 2, Birmingham’s own community Mag.

Read the Magazine here

This issue is packed with a wide range of topics and also features the URBRUM games review and tasty recipes. URBRUM links up with ex Birmingham city player Duane Courtney who gives us a glimpse in to his life and upbringing in the article Diamond in the Rough.

Junior James who was once an international drugs smuggler tells us about his life and how he has turned it around and written a very interesting book. Steroids have long been linked to the idea of the athlete striving to reach the utmost peak of performance, and with us just coming out of an Olympic year they were very much in the news. Are steroids becoming a fashion trend? One of our readers shares his personal experience.
Local and national jazz saxophonist Andy Gayle talks openly to URBRUM about his battle with depression. Reach the charity, took a few guys from their young people’s services down to MTV in Camden Town to help plan the EMAs (Europe Music Awards), which were hosted in Festhalle, Frankfurt Germany.

Read all the above and much more.


Download issue 2 here: https://www.urbrum.org/download/magazine/issuetwo/double/URBRUM%20Magazine%20issue%202dps.pdf

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