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URBRUM Magazine issue 3

URBRUM Magazine issue 3

So it’s that time, URBRUM is back with its third issue of the MAGAZINE!

Welcome to the third issue of URBRUM, your community magazine. This issue is packed full of inspiring articles. As we know Brum has many talented young people who are trying to fulfil their dreams, in this issue we hear from a promoter, hairdresser, clothing designer and youth workers as to how dreams can become reality.

URBRUM held its first young people’s event at the Lighthouse, if you couldn’t make it you can catch up with the days goings on inside. Chlamydia is known as the silent infection; read about the reasons why in our article on the subject.

NHS manager by day, fitness instructor by night, Khurram Khan has changed his life and is working with others to do the same, read his story on page 21.

Is it me, or were things really different back in the days? why not check out Deborah Courtney’s article on page 22 and see whether you think so.

We’ve all heard about getting our five a day, which should make us a healthier nation but what about our overall well-being, check out the Five Ways App on page 27 which claims to do the same for our mind. Why not download it and give it a try? See if it works for you. Read about this and much more.

Download URBRUM Issue 3 here:

Terry Rigby:
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